Lap sua literally means tiger lap. This name comes from the fact that the meat and sometimes even the organ meats such as the liver, composing the dish are eaten raw like a tiger would do. In addition, you can sprinkle the preparation with bile to give it bitterness. This recipe does not include raw offal but you are free to try. Another common name for this dish is lap xin dip which means lap of raw meat.
A lap is always served with a plate of raw vegetables.
For 4 people
Ingredients 400 g beef (tenderloin, filet mignon or chateaubriand), thinly sliced (do not use ground beef!) 200 g tripe 2 tablespoons lemon juice (optional) 4 tablespoons of fish sauce 2 tablespoons of ground toasted rice ½ teaspoon of galangal, peeled and chopped 2 tablespoons thinly sliced shallot 4 tablespoons minced green onion 4 tablespoons chopped cilantro 4 tablespoons minced mint 4 chilies, chopped (optional)
¼ teaspoon MSG (optional)
Cook the tripe for 1 hour in salted water and drain. Mince the tripe. In a salad bowl, combine the beef, tripe, lemon juice, fish sauce and ground toasted rice. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix again.
“Adding 1 tsp of baking soda to the water reduces the cooking time of the tripe to about 20 minutes. ”